When will my Order be shipped?
Custom Flags Orders will be shipped within 2-3 weeks of the date that they are ordered; All other orders will be shipped within 2-3 days.  Thank you for your patience during this busy season!


Can I order a Flag with a Custom Logo?
Custom Flag Orders are limited to the product options for both the Custom Pennant and Rectangle.  Any custom symbols or designs that fall outside of these options we are unable to make.  Thank you for your understanding!
What’s the best way to wash my new sweatshirt?
We suggest to hand-wash your new Slightly Choppy Sweatshirt with cold water & let Air Dry to best maintain the size, color, and quality of your sweatshirt.  Feel free to reach out with any other questions about 
Why does my sweatshirt look worn?  (I feel like there’s a better way to phrase this)
All Slightly Choppy Artifacts are handmade and unique works of art. Each Sweatshirt is one of a kind creation with slight imperfections. They are made to have slight stains and color variations. The sweatshirt that you receive is made to have a worn look.
Is your studio available for walk-ins?
Currently, the studio is closed to walk-ins.  However, Almond Surfboards in Costa Mesa does have a variety of Slightly Choppy Flags In-Stock.  They are open to walk-ins during normal business hours.
Can I place an International Order?
Unfortunately, International Orders are closed at the moment.  We are working hard to find the best way to get Slightly Choppy Artifacts into peoples hands who live outside the USA.